I'm Friggin Running a Marathon!

So I've been absent for awhile. A good six months plus to be exact. Yep, pulled the blog from public consumption while I attended to life. We have to do these things sometimes. Life's like that.

I've been busy on my blogging sabbatical. As I've mentioned in posts previously, I am a runner/jogger. Something I took up somewhat reluctantly in my quest to get a handle on my middle-aged spread. Turns out that I liked pounding the pavement to such an extent that I am currently in my taper week prior to running the BMO Vancouver Marathon on May 1st. That's 42.2K of staying upright and moving for the better part of 5+ hours (or 26.1 miles for those of you south of the border).

I'm both sad and excited about taking part in this race. Sad that all those great weeks of training with a hilarious bunch of ladies is coming to an end but so excited to get the bling when I cross that finish line...whether it's on my own two feet or because a kind soul drags my prostrate body across the finish line after finding me on the ground somewhere out on the course!

To all of you out there that don't think you have the time/stamina/motivation, whatever, to run a marathon, let me tell you this: If I, a 40-something married mom of four children can get her jiggly butt into those running tights and run in whatever hellish weather happens to be on tap...ANYBODY CAN!

Now go out and do it!


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