Tantrums and Tears
Why didn't anyone tell me how hard this would be? I think Dr. Laura might have mentioned it a few times...don't divorce, don't date if you have minor children, and for god's sake don't remarry until they hit the age of majority. OK, so I didn't do any of the above and sometimes, I really think Dr. Laura is up in the corner of my room pointing that finger at me saying "I told you so". What do you do when you have four children and two pairs are from different fathers? They're all from my loins so technically they are all the same right? But at times I have to admit that I feel overprotective of my children from my first marriage. After all, my children with my current husband have an intact family and both of their parents under the same roof. My other kids must cope with infrequent visits with their father who has relocated to a new province; who is recently engaged to be married; and who has a two year child with this new fiancee. I don'...