I Tend To Ruminate

Apropos of yesterday's rant. Being the needy woman that I am I asked my husband if I could get some "maintenance" done on my face. I figured that if he had to, he'd lie to spare my fragile feelings.

DH: What would you have done?

Me: Well, you know, this thing between my eyebrows called the "Bitch Wrinkle"

DH: Now that you mention it...It does kind of look like a vagina on your forehead.

Now I know what DH really stands for: Dick Head.


mzbehavin said…

Okay..... I'm better now.......

I hope you slapped him........

Love, love, love, your humor....

Keep it coming!!!
MiMi said…
Now you have to know, if you have a bitch wrinkle, it's cuz of HIM!
A vagina on your forehead?? What a butt. :)
I have the beginnings of a nice bitch wrinkle going on.
I ruminate too. I'm on meds for it. :)
The Bumbles said…
Hahahahahahaha! I have nothing else to add while laughing away at my desk ;0)
Manic Mother said…
That just made me laugh out loud, thanks!
Vivienne said…
DickHead, indeed.

I have an award for you, come on over and pick it up... it'll make ya feel better.

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