Endorphins Are Our Friend

I realized something that took me by surprise last week. We were away camping and despite my good intentions I only managed a 12k and a 6k tempo run for the entire week. (I biked and swam but the perfectionist in me figures this doesn't count).

By the end of that week, I felt jittery, irritable, jumpy and just plain shitty. I could not figure out what my problem was. Not PMS, not alcohol withdrawal (though camping does entail a bit of imbibing) and something a bit more than just plain bitchiness.

Holy crap, I was actually going through exercise withdrawal. I mean, I had heard other runners talking about the 'runner's high' and being 'addicted' to the sport but I really didn't pay much attention to it...everyone tends to wax prosaic about their chosen obsession.

A quick Google search came up with scads of articles debating whether or not this 'addiction-withdrawal' phenomenon actually exists. A great article in the Science Daily published in March 2008 discusses a study that seems to confirm what the majority of us long distance runners have known all along...it bloody well DOES exist.

As if I needed another reason to run?


Twincerely,Olga said…
I love your title!!! You are so right about withdrawl!!
Gaia said…
Hi this is my first visit. Just to confirm, there is such a thing as 'withdrawal' where lack of exercise is concerned. I am suffering from it now. Due to a knee injury, have not been out doing my hour long brisk walk, I feel sick.

Get back into it asap, you'll feel better.
Gaia said…
Hi jsut tagged you with the Kreativ Blogger award, pick it up from my blog. Cheerio.
Always a mom said…
Having a natural drive to exercise is such a blessing! I too was a runner for the last few years until LO and behold I got Pregnant quite unexpectedly (just after running a 10K race and was in training to run my 1st ever full Marathon. I had done a half-marathon. My "bundle of joy" is now 10 months old and I am walking several times a week but haven't gotten back to running...yet! :{ congrats by the way on being tagged by GAIA for your Kreativ blogging. You will now find even more followers...like Me! http://llmoore2.blogspot.com
Unknown said…
I totally believe in exercise withdrawal!

I went for so long without exercise that it was amazingly difficult to get going again. Now that I've fallen away from exercise I feel more exhausted (and grumpy) than I did before.

I must get my mojo back!!

Denise Burks

Twincerely,Olga said…
love it!!!I have major withdrawl if I don't run after 3 days!!!stop by
Cougar Tales said…
Wow! I have to say I am truly impressed. I find you very impressive. :-) I also get addicted to my workouts....but if I take more than 2 days off...I come back slower than ever. Strange...
- Cougs @ www.cougar-tales.blogspot.com
Just found your blog. LOVE. IT. And while I haven't been running long enough to really be experiencing the runner's high thing (there's a lot of running aching, tho - ha!), I totally hear you on the pool etiquette thing. Sometimes I get out there and it's like, WTF? Can no one else read signs and diagrams?!?

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