Not Just Your Kids Video Game!

So,I got the new Wii game EA Sports Active. It's one of the new fitness games out there that are supposed to justify time spent on gaming rather than the important stuff (like laundry?). Anyway, I'm really going stir crazy not being able to run (see below) and having the attention span of a six year old, I need to add new sh*t to my fitness regimen all the time.

I have a couple of these fitness games, one of the first being Wii Fit. I was on the waitlist for that sucker for a couple of months before I finally scored one. It's been fun, but not quite as challenging as I would like. So, when I read about the 30 day Challenge for EA Sports Active, I had to check it out.

Well, I've done it twice now and HOLY CRAP! It's super easy to set up. You just plug in a few numbers such as height, weight, and age; design a funky Mii (avatar); and voila, a personalized training regimen is put together for you. You have the option of taking the 30 Day Challenge or tailoring your own program by selecting from the many exercises available. I've chosen the Challenge option since it basically gives you a varied workout that has been put together by fitness specialists.

Well, two days after my first workout, I'm screaming everytime I lower myself into a sitting position and I have that pleasurable pain (you know what I mean) in all the major muscle groups in my body. I have to say that I'm surprised. I work out regularly, including strength so I really didn't expect this to be too effective...WRONG!

If you're looking for another 'at home' option when you just can not get to the gym, or if you have mommy-guilt about taking time away from the family to go exercise (I know, I really need to let that go..I'm working on it!), this can be done with a partner. My six year old, who has not yet figured out how to entertain himself, was quite happy to exercise along with mommy for a good 30 bonus.

Check it out, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Unfortunately, I'm still not doing the important stuff but I'm gonna look hot in that bikini this summer ;-)


Alicia said…
My sister in law works for EA and that's one of the products she's been working on..she keeps telling me how awesome it is! Maybe I'm gonna have to try it!
Denise said…
That sounds great. Getting something like this is on my list for those days when I can't get out the door to run!
The Bumbles said…
You should visit this site if you haven't already:

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