Running Sucks
I just
Anyway, as I'm huffing and puffing my way up the hill (it's uphill both ways of this run..WTF? Don't ask me, it's some sick joke city engineers have been playing on us runners) I'm thinking "Why am I doing this? I can't breathe, I stink, people are giving me that 'look' as they drive by". That's when it dawns on me, running is like child birth--
you suffer through the torture again and again (if you're really stupid or fertile) because it feels so darn good when it's all over. After childbirth you have this little bundle of love and joy-wait until they're a teenager but that's for another post. After a good long run, you have this feeling of euphoria not unlike that glow you get from a damn good orgasm. Somehow, our smart little brain cells immediately erase any negative memories we may have of these experiences and hence, we come back to them again and again.
That's my theory anyway. I can't explain the urge to run or parent otherwise.