Time Traveling without the Sequined Glove

Well I spent the day at the mall with my two daughters on that eagerly awaited yearly jaunt to hemorrhage money on those 'back-to-school' outfits that they "have to have" and end up languishing in the closet because they are too uncomfortable/short/long/tight/loose/scratchy/dorky, to be worn.

I LOVE to shop. It's my Valium washed down with a Cosmo, I swear. Shopping with a pre-pubescent Miley Cyrus wanna-be and a 13 year old who seriously thinks her mother is beyond redemption is not my favorite way to part with my cash but a necessary evil forced upon me as penance for the torture I inflicted on MY parents. Apparently I'm not one of the lucky ones with horseshoes up my ass.

Casually flipping through the clothing I had this flash of deja vu...I looked up and around the store-Leggings, big sweaters and sweatshirts, flannel shirts, hip slung belts, ankle boots, wristlet purses, LEG WARMERS, short jackets and skinny jeans. The only thing missing were sequined gloves, tube skirts and pointy flats. Holy crap...it's the 80's revisited!

OH MY FUCKING GOD! It can't be true. I have officially been around long enough to see a trend come around twice. My daughters are going to be wearing the clothing that I wore when I was a young adult. Kill me now.

To add insult to injury, they insisted on informing me that I had "no idea" how these outfits went together and that all of my suggestions were completely irrelevant and "pathetic".

Are you kidding me? I wore these outfits to nightclubs and university flings. I danced my face off to Madonna, The Cure, The Psychedelic Furs, U2, OMD, Michael Jackson in my flannel shirt, hip slung belt, tube skirt, pointy flat shoes and lace fingerless gloves. I was HOT!

I can't be old enough for this to have happened. I know my birth certificate says that I am 43 but really, I'm still 19 inside. I'm too young and immature to have four children, a husband and a mortgage. Someone is going to find me out and tell me it's all a mistake...really...aren't they?

Aging sucks ass.
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Barb said…
The 80's trend hit here 2 years ago. Skinny jeans ACK! You did inform your girls that you used to work at one of the trendiest clothing stores, Fairweather, back in the day, right? :-)
MiMi said…
Skinny jeans are a comeback? See, I am clueless.
I knew the other stuff was a comeback and that scares me, I was a little too young for it when it made it's first round, and now I'm too old!
But seriously, have you seen the boys that wear the skinny jeans? EW! Did boys wear the skinny jeans then too?? Yuck!
OMGoodness, this post amused me SO much! LOL!

Just wandering through via the MBC. It's nice to "meet" you!

(BTW, I'm now following you!)

onegirliegirl said…
Thanks for looking me up!

This post scares the crap out of me! We are the same age and I, too, have a 13 yr old. Thankfully he's a boy, who could actually care less about what he's wearing. Thank God for boys.

Also have 4 children...3 boys then a girl. My girl is only 3, so I'm a little worried that these fashions will come around again by the time she's giving me the stink eye of "mom has no fashion sense".

Let's not forget the Jordache jeans, satin jackets and gold stretchy belts. Of course this was more Junior High dance attire. Ya know...sparkly :)

xoxo ~Lisa

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