The Heat is No Friend of Mine

What the heck is going on with the weather here on the West Coast of BC? Known for our temperate climate and copious amounts of rain, this heat wave is literally kicking the shit out of me.

Week 5 (I think, it's all a blur) in my half marathon training and I've been reduced to water running and biking in an attempt to maintain my cardio and NOT die of heat exhaustion in the process.

I have to say, it's just not the same. I really miss that runner's high that I've come to rely on to keep the dose of my antidepressant at a reasonable level. My kids are begging me to run and even my husband is hinting, not so subtly, that our relationship may benefit from a little road time.

I decided that family happiness and my own sanity were worth more than a pesky bit of heat stroke so I sucked it up and joined my group to do some hill training on Thursday.

I never realized how much one person can actually sweat in an hour of exercise. I swear my running shoes were making squelching sounds as I attempted to keep up with the group during our "warm up" run to the hill.

To be fair, they did cut down the intervals to 12 x 1 minute sprints up the hill but at one point, the hill starting to bob up and down in my vision like one of those bridges that you see on the news that's swaying up and down during a particularly nasty storm.

At that point I called it a day and dragged my extremely sweaty ass back to the comfort of my air conditioned car.

Oh, if only you could actually melt the fat off of your body by exercising in the heat, I'd be golden (and skinny).
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The humidity sucks around here too.
I have a hard enough time just running in the heat. I can't imagine hill intervals. Great job!
Anonymous said…
Ah, but that runners high or exercising high is worth it!

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