Twilight Shuffle

Energizer BunnyImage via Wikipedia

I ran the 5k Twilight Shuffle in Chemainus last night and lived to tell (barely). My time wasn't great but I am standing by the assertion that this was due solely to the fact that I am 'rehabbing' my stress fractured leg.

In that spirit, I ran with my 8 year old daughter.

Thinking that this would force me to keep a slow pace AND take many walk breaks, I completely underestimated the Energizer Bunny that is Cam.

Anybody who has a young child knows that 'keeping up' with same child is a marathon in and of itself. Instead of taking it easy last night, I ran 30% faster than my tempo pace and had to practically beg my daughter to take one minute walk breaks, lest my leg completely snap in two.

Looks like I'll be back to water running and cycling for a bit longer. Lesson learned. I think we have a new runner in the family.
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how awesome to run a race with your daughter! My boys are still really young, but I really hope they enjoy running as well! Great job to both of you!
Alicia said…
WOW you're daughter is a trooper! I'm tired just thinking about it!!
Kids are hard to keep up with. Good job for you daughter.
Robinson Unau said…
Put my rivendellious banner here n i'll link u.Leave a note there when u'r done.TQ.
Chris said…
Never underestimate the energy and passion of a motivated kid. Good for her!
Mike said…
It is amazing how much energy children have, my brother and I were just talking about that!

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